Is it a Business or a Job
Are you building a real business – or are you just creating a series of jobs for yourself. I need to take a stand for you right now – and tell you that although the gig route is easier – if you are serious about having something for your hard work at the end of the day – building a solid business – a legacy business – is the way to go.

TAGP Radio: Heart Centered Business
Learn more about heart centered business with establishing a heart centered message with Michele today. Listen in as she interviews Shantel Susan-Haines and Shannon Hernandez at 2pm Central. You can call in live or catch the show recording of Take Action Get Profits – Heart Centered Business here.

3 Reasons Stepping Away From Your Blog Will Actually Make It Better
Today's guest blogger is Allison Volk. is the founder of The Blog Babe, a ghost writing service that creates consistent and information-packed weekly articles for entrepreneurs who are ready to rock their online presence. More information at www.TheBlogBabe.com. It’s...

TAGP Radio: Profit, Performance and Publishing
Michele is excited to be interviewing Linette Montae and Karen Lynn Maher at 2pm Central. You can call in live or catch the show recording of Take Action Get Profits – Profit, Performance and Publishing here.

Avoid These Top 3 Sales Conversation Mistakes
Was your last sales conversation a flop? Did you make the sale? Chances are that the last sales conversation you had did not end in a sale. I can say that with confidence because even the best closers in the world convert less than a third of the time. Would you...

TAGP Radio: Accountability and Revenue
Michele is excited to be interviewing Debbie O'Grady and Joyce Brown at 2pm Central. You can call in live or catch the show recording of Take Action Get Profits – Accountability and Revenue here.

How to Fill Your Connections Calendar in 3 Easy Steps
You go to a conference - the speaker says that the key to getting more sales is to have more sales conversations. Ok. But, in the back of your mind you are thinking - how can I get people to sign up for a strategy session with me in the first place. I live in a...

TAGP Radio: Growth and Change
Dennis McGough and Paul B. Taubman are on today's show! Michele will be interviewing them on Growth and Change at 2pm Central. You can call in live or catch the show recording of Take Action Get Profits – Growth and Change here.

Your 4 Week Plan For Making The Most Out of Your Next Live Event
Attending live events is a big investment that can instantly fill your pipeline with potential clients.
Learn my secrets for making the most out of my live event investment.

TAGP Radio: Guests are Jena Rodriguez and Sandy Lawrence