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Video is becoming an important marketing tool.  This guest post from Shahar and Nash Boyayan  gives you 10 great hints on how to optimize your videos for You Tube.  Shahar and Nash are co-hosting the Extreme Income Explosion Summit  in Salt Lake City  – May 3-5.  I'm excited about what they will be teaching there.

Every day we make a presentation somewhere or speak to prospects. Every day we see a lot of people still not using online videos. No videos online and no videos on YouTube the second most popular search engine.
No videos no ranking. It is like giving business on a silver plate for your competitors.
and you are leaving your company out of consideration when people are researching for a solution you offer..

Now, if you are using video marketing here are a few tips to optimize your videos.

1. Focus on entertaining your audience. Fun works but don’t force it.

2. Clearly demonstrate your product or talk about your services.

3. You need to build up friends and subscribers on YouTube to leverage the reach of your videos.

4. Measure and improve metrics. Use insights inside YouTube for that. They track likes, dislikes, embeds, tweets, video replies and attention span.

5. Aim to rank not only on YouTube but also in Google’s main web results.

6. Add url at the beginning of the description.

7. Use voot.net as a tracking tool.

8. Upload a transcription to YouTube. Some services for you to dot this: Dotsub and Automatic sync.

9. Don’t forget to tag your video. Use relevant keywords. Use adjectives as well and separate by comma. YouTube allows 120 characters.

10. Use the annotations features for call to action: like this video, subscribe, go to.

Shahar and Nash Boyayan are GSMMA experts – you can learn more about them here.