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Facebook TimelineIf you’re like many business owners, you know you need to embrace social media but you may not be sure entirely how to make it worth your time.  Facebook is no exception!  Just because you are posting on your Facebook timeline doesn't mean that people are seeing anything you post. Facebook has crazy algorithms that mean your posts will never be seen by all of your friends, but there are a few things you can do to get seen more often.

Here are 3 steps to help you make the most of your Facebook timeline!

Your strategy for who sees your posts on your Facebook timeline

One of the great things about Facebook is that you do have options over who sees your Facebook timeline posts. You may not want every group to see every item that you post. Spend some time deciding which groups you would like to display your content to.  You can use the Facebook categories to tweak what content shows up to various people.  For instance, you may want to limit your truly personal messages to close friends while everyone can see business related posts.  Some common ways to organize your information are shown below:

  • Public: Posts you wish to reach the general public 
  • Friends: All of your friends
  • Friends Except: You can exclude any friends you don't want to see the post
  • Only Me: Use this if you are testing posts or want to post something only for you to see
  • Specific Friends: Choose a group of friends for a post

Maximize the visual options on your Facebook timeline!

There are over 300 million images uploaded to Facebook every day. Over 500 million people watch videos on Facebook daily. What do these numbers mean for you? It is clear that a visual aspect is a big part of what gets your posts seen on Facebook. Use more images and videos in your posts.

Here is the secret behind posting. When you post a great image or video and your friends start to like and comment on these posts, then Facebook begins to think that your relationship with that person is important so they show more of your posts to that person. So our goal should be to post things that make people take action.

Your Facebook timeline is your opportunity to tell your story!

Remember this – People Buy From People. They want to know that you are real. They want to feel like they know you. They may even want to live vicariously through your Facebook timeline. This means you should be posting on your timeline a couple of times a day. I know what you are thinking, you don't want to post about what you eat. That isn't what I am saying.

But you should be posting about what you are working on in your business and also what is going on in your day. Post about your dreams and desires. Post something that you see during your day that is funny. Post about your kids or grandkids. Tell your story.

For more information on how to use Facebook, download a copy of a class I taught called “How to 10X Your Facebook Organic Views!”