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18 new coaching clientsRecently I spent 2 days with my mastermind clients in Houston TX focused on building their businesses.  The energy in the room was powerful.  As we sat in the living room of my suite, it dawned on me that there were 14 of them in the room with me (8 of them were not able to make the trip) but only 1 short year before I was sitting in a hotel suite just like this one with my 4 mastermind clients.  Yes, I had gone from having 4 coaching clients to having 22 in just 12 months.

What might have been even more interesting was that one year prior I set a goal to have 25 coaching clients by the end of the year.  I didn't quite make it but I have to tell you that if I hadn't set that totally unbelievable at the time goal, I don't know where I would have ended up.

How did I get 18 new coaching clients in 12 months?

If you are like me that would be the first question I would be asking.  There were 3 main things that I focused on to make the changes in my business that brought me this success?

1. Focus on Building an Audience

This is no secret!  The bigger your audience, your community, the quicker things happen in your business.  That means building your list, building your social media audience (Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.) and building a community of people who have their own audience – they become your joint venture partners.  During the year I added over 4000 people to my email list and over 3000 people to my fan page.

2. Assessments & Strategy Sessions

One of the strategies I implemented this year was the use of a business assessment (click here to see it for yourself) which we promoted through a 5 day video challenge and social media.  For me, the idea of the assessment is to help entrepreneurs see where they are successful in business but also see where the holes are in their business.  As a business coach I help them fix those holes.  Once they take the assessment they receive an email that tells them their score and offers them the opportunity to have a strategy session with one of my Certified Decisive Minds coaches.

3. Converting from Social Media Contact to New Client

The other change I made was to get really clear on strategies to get all these social media contacts I had to become new clients.  First step is to get them on my list.  I did that by offering one of my free reports and doing tons of teleseminars.  Second, I needed low price programs that gave people a taste of working with me.  I accomplished this with $97 virtual days and 30 day programs. (Click here for an example).  After these programs we would move them naturally through our funnel to a bigger priced program and eventually a coaching program.  I think my success came from the fact that I understand that social media is just the platform I use to meet and start a relationship with my ideal clients.  Then I can move them through a free teleseminar to a low price product and on to a higher priced program.

Now it's your turn……

Have you been working too hard to figure out how to turn your social media contacts into clients?  How is it working for you?  Now you know how I added 18 new coaching clients and increased my 6 figure business by 71% but you don't have all the pieces and I don't have room in this blog post to tell you everything.

Would you like to know more about how I did this?  Join me for a free teleseminar on Wed March 20thClick here to find out more.